Admissions & Fees

Admission to ALIS is through Assessment Tests and Entrance Examination which take place some months before the beginning of the school year. Admission is offered on merit. Candidates are tested on Mathematics, English Language, Verbal Aptitude, General Paper and Current Affairs. They are expected to be able to write well, with the ability to set out their work clearly and neatly.

As an independent Christian school with charitable status, ALIS does not receive government support and is dependent on student fees, donations and endowments to cover its expenses. Each school year, the school may review the fees for the following academic year, taking into cognisance its responsibility to ensure that the School remains well maintained and conducive to high levels of academic and extra-curricular achievement and pastoral care.

In case of any increment, it is kept to a minimum remembering  that we are poised to attract and retain the highest quality staff and provide resources to allow for continued development of the school’s facilities.


The following are charged in ALIS:

New Intakes
Registration Form Fee
Uniforms (Regular and Sports)

New/Returning Students
Tuition Fee
Snacks and Lunch
Medical charges
Stationery & Books
Extra-curricular (swimming classes, etc.)

All fees are payable to Amazing Love International Schools through the banks.

2022/2023 Admission Process Ongoing

The next Examinations and Assessment Tests for new intakes into
Nursery 1 to 3, Primary 1 – 5, JS 1 – 2 and SS 1 -2 will take place on
Saturday, 7th May 2022 by 10.00am at the Praise Temple of Amazing Love Assembly.

For enquiries concerning admission, please use the WhatsApp Chat Button